Transform your self.

Enter the T-Zone

Hormonal health is the maintenance and optimization of the hormone system of the body. Hormones are the chemical messengers of the body released into the bloodstream from the endocrine glands. The endocrine glands include the thyroid, pituitary, adrenal etc. They control many bodily functions including everything from metabolism to our reproduction.

For men they can affect energy levels, weight gain, muscle strength, fluid balance, moods, hair loss, hunger, thirst, sex drive as well as sleep, motivation and mental function. Testosterone is the most important male hormone but the production decreases by about 1.6% yearly from our mid thirties on. This can lead to profound changes in the physical and mental functioning of men. Optimizing this can be life changing.

Transform Men's Health offers a customized approach for individuals seeking assistance in their transformation to improved health and wellness.

What it is: Testosterone levels decrease with age, by 1.6% per year, starting in our mid 30’s. Optimizing your testosterone level helps bring your testosterone back to a level that supports your desired level of physical and mental health. We want you to feel happy, healthy and rejuvenated again.

Why it is important: Most men think of testosterone as only needed for building muscles and having sex. In reality, testosterone is one of the most important male hormones. Testosterone is essential for the proper functioning of every system in the body. The brain can be especially sensitive to testosterone levels, with low levels causing irritability, sleep problems, depression, anxiety, brain “fog”, poor concentration, lack of motivation and fatigue. Low testosterone levels can cause symptoms in men similar to menopause in women, including hot flashes, development of belly fat, male breast tissue ("manboobs"), and a lowered sex drive. Not a healthy scenario! We can help.

  • Under the leadership of Dr. Robert Fallis, the Transform team shares our commitment for men to feel great again as they experience optimal health.

    Dr. Larry Komer, MD F.R.C.S.C.
    Masters Men's Clinic

  • Dr. Fallis will take great care of you and only give advice that you can trust.

    Dr. Kevin Smith

  • Dr. Fallis has always shown the highest level of professionalism, expertise and compassion throughout his entire medical career.

    Sam Bate
    Chief of Staff

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